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All the Pieces

Puzzles are one of my favorite pastimes. When you first begin, all you have are a pile of random colored pieces. Over time, you notice patterns and connections. Things slowly fall into place, and in the end you have a beautiful image.

Have you ever thought about all the talents you have, your passions, and your hobbies and wondered what they all have in common? Why is it that you think the way you do and enjoy the things you enjoy? Sometimes your life may feel like a big puzzle.

Lately, I've been thinking about these things too. There are so many little pieces of me, and at first glance they seem disconnected and unrelated.

My career is one big piece, as I'm sure it is for many. I am a teacher, and especially at this time of year when the air is buzzing with talk of "back to school" I find myself dwelling on this aspect of my life. I pour energy and effort into scouring Pinterest for the best new classroom management ideas, decorating my classroom, and planning lessons (well, sort of...this one always seems to be the last one on the list!). At the beginning of August, and during the work day, my whole existence seems to be revolved around being a TEACHER. However, that is only one piece of me.

Then, I have my hobbies piece. I am a crafter - an avid crocheter, a painter, and general crafter who is always finding inspiration around every corner. When I visit craft fairs, my first thought is always "I could make that!" (even though I rarely get around to doing it!) I love making something new, and stepping back to enjoy my work. If someone told me I had to live in Hobby Lobby or Michaels for the rest of my life, I'd probably be ok with that! In my down time, every part of me seems to scream CRAFTER, but that is still only one piece of me.

Next I have my marriage. I have been married for just over a year to my amazing husband, Andrew. Marriage is so fun, having your best friend by your side through every day. Sure, there are moments where life isn't sunshine and roses, but we always manage to pick ourselves up again and come out so much stronger on the other side. It's so wonderful to have someone in my life who can help pick me up when I am down and make me laugh even when I'm having a bad day. I have learned so much about love and selflessness in this past year, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. In my home life, I feel most like a WIFE, but that is still only one piece of me.

At various moments in my life, I feel strongly identified by these different pieces of myself. Teacher, crafter, wife... and so many others I have not mentioned. But how do these pieces fit together? Are these all areas of my life that mean a lot to me by coincidence? Are these passions, talents, and hobbies all a part of me by accident?

For a long time, that is what I thought, but over the past few years, God has been revealing to me otherwise. He has reminded me that He made me the way I am for a reason. There is no one else who has the same exact combination of passions and gifts that He gave me. I am unique because God has something He needs done, and He needs someone just like me to do it. And the same goes for you. You have certain passions and gifts that make you unique as well, and God wants to use you in a powerful way!

I am still in the process of figuring out exactly what it is God wants to use me for, but I feel like I am getting closer and closer every day. There is joy in the process. Every time I take a small step towards my God-given purpose, I feel like I understand myself a lot better. I am learning to appreciate the quirks that make me me, and to push aside the insecurities that try to get in my way. The pieces are falling into place. Trust that God has a plan for you. His guiding hand will place you in the perfect experiences and give you the perfect opportunities to let your gifts and passions shine for His glory! You may look like a pile of disjointed puzzle pieces now, but God is in the process of creating something beautiful!

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." - Psalm 139:13-14

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